Divorce Stress Impacts Lives — and Your Business
Between 40 and 50% of first marriages end in divorce*
In the US that means one divorce approximately every thirty-six seconds**
Relationship-related stress costs employers about $300 billion annually***
*American Psychological Association, “Marriage and Divorce,” https: www.apa.org/topics/divorce
** McKinley Irvin Family Law, “32 Shocking Divorce Statistics,” http.www.mckinleyirvin.com/family-law-blog
*** Life Innovations Study "Marriage and Family Wellness: Corporate America's Business”
Employee productivity decreases 40% in the 18 months prior to and during divorce.
Nashville Business Journal “The Cost of Divorce to Employers” Productivity Loss vs. Pre-Divorce Levels
Of divorcees surprised how hard the divorce process was emotionally.
Financial Advisor magazine, “Being A Financial Partner In Marriage Reduces The Stress Of Divorce” January 2020
Divorce is ranked the #2 life stressor (after death of a spouse).
The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory
The Divorce Wellness Toolkit helps employees live well
during one of life’s most challenging events, providing:
Forwardly helps employees live well
during one of life’s most challenging events, providing:
Moving from confusion
and overwhelm to clarity
and hope.
Motivational Videos
Best Practices
Moving from fear and overload to knowledge and confidence.
A Defined Success Path
Deep Dives into Unique Needs
Interviews with Experts in Child Psychology, Finance, and More
Tools to Take Action
Moving from self-doubt
and apprehension to empowerment and finding a new normal.
Scripts to Handle Divorce-Related Communications
Document Templates
Marriage History Forms
How It Works
High Quality, On-Demand Content
Web-based for Easy Access from Any Device
Geared to All Employees: Male, Female, Parent, Empty-Nester, Same-Sex
Simple or Complex Needs
100% Virtual
Unlimited Viewing
Promotional Materials and Webinar Included
Resources for each stage, from saving the marriage to moving on
Expert Guidance You Can Trust
PILAR PRINZ leads men and women through this challenging time in their lives with confidence, warmth, and approachability. Her experience as a top divorce lawyer for the past 17 years has propelled her into the national media scene as a guest legal expert on CNN, Fox News and other national programs. In 2020 she was voted one of The Best Lawyers in America in the field of Family Law.
Forwardly is:
For Anyone
Male, female, parent,
empty-nester, same-sex, simple or complex needs, we’ve got you covered.
At Any Stage
From saving the marriage to moving on after finalization, employees have access to tools to navigate the process.
From Anywhere
Web-based for easy access from any device
Gives useful strategies and advice all in one place
Lowers stress
Gives support
Alleviates loneliness and isolation
Saves time
Saves money (professional fees, personal finance)
Reaches employees at one of the most vulnerable life events
Demonstrates high degree of care and empathy toward employees
Progressive, forward-thinking employee benefit
Saves money
Decreases absenteeism and presenteeism
Creates a safe space for employees to cope
Helps employees move forward in life and work
The Timing is Right
“Nearly 1 in 10 of married or partnered people in the United States say they are very likely to separate from their partner or spouse at least in part because of issues related to the pandemic.”
New York Times August 26, 2020 article:
“I Don’t Know If My Relationship Will Survive the Pandemic”